
  • Haberler: 6.10.2017
  • Sayı: 5668







There are five digital sections of ANAPHAB 1st International Photography Salon

            A – OPEN - (Color or B&W) PID

            B – PORTRAIT -  (Color or B&W) PID

            C -  NATURE – (Color or B&W) PID

            D – WEDDING – (Color or B&W) PID

E – CHILDREN – (Color or B&W) PID           


·         Participation in the competition is open to all photography lovers, either amateur or professional. Members of the organizing committee, jury members and PAFT representatives and their next of kin may not participate in the competition.

·         In total, there are 5 categories in the competition. Entries are limited to not more than 4 images per section, category, or class. An entrant’s four images will be distributed throughout four rounds of judging in that section.

·          The participating photos must be in JPG format, 300 dpi resolutions, the maximum size in horizontal must 3840 pixels, in vertical size 2160 maximum 2MB file size. Therefore, attention should be paid to the resolution settings should be saved in JPG format with the highest quality recording option. The photographs that are not complying these rules will be eliminated.

·        Each photograph must have a title.

·        Contestants may use any traditional or modern photographic techniques.

·         Photographs prepared for all categories should be sent via internet. No printed photos or those saved on a CD/DVD will be admitted.

·              In order to participate in the competition, you send your photos to the e-mail address;            benincontest@gmail.com.

    For each category, you can send your photos as a separated file to the specified email address. Or you can send your photographs for all category via wetransfer.

    Please do not forget to write your name and surname, e-mail address, phone number and home address.

In the event that photographs sent to the competition via internet encounter errors arising from the system or the user, please submit the error to beninphotosontest@gmail.com, who will attempt to solve the issue as soon as possible.

·         The competition results will be announced on the websites: www.sillesanat.com and additionally, all participants will be notified of the results by e-mail.

·         The photographs that win awards in the competition and the other photographs presented as part of the exhibit will be broadcast on the website: www.sillesanat.com. Furthermore, the award-winning photographs, honorable mentions, and photos receiving special awards will be published Facebook, Instagram, Twitter.

·         Participants assume all liability for all legal issue that may arise from works submitted to the competition.

·         Every participant declares that the work belongs to him / her and that all permissions were obtained for the photograph he / she has sent. In the case that any of the winning participants acts in contradiction to this declaration, his / her award, title and all acquisitions he / she has achieved from the competition will be rescinded.

·         Those who have submitted works have received the necessary permission on their own behalf, and declare that they accept full personal responsibility to undertake all disputes that may arise. ANAPHAB is not to be held responsible for any disputes that arise in this regard.

·         All rights of using the works shall belong to ANAPHAB and the work owner. Winning photographs may be used by award granter ANAPHAB for noncommercial purposes including reporting, advertisement, and in social responsibility projects both in printed material and digital media. Participants whose photos are used in this manner hereby agree that they will have no other rights or copyrights regarding their photos except those pertinent to the award granted to them for their photo in the competition and that they will have no further claims thereto.

Participants who are found to be in violation of the rules will be stripped of all awards, titles, or any other associated winnings. The award will be cancelled; the space will be left empty. This situation does not legitimize additional rights to the other participants. If the award has been granted, it must be returned.

·         Prior to the jury’s assessment, alongside the FIAP Red List will be utilized to identify participants of the competition who are to be eliminated.

·         By the sole act of submitting his / her images or files to a salon under FIAP Patronage, the entrant accepts without exception and with no objection the following terms: that the submitted images can be investigated by FIAP to establish if these obey to FIAP regulations and definitions even if the entrant is not a member of FIAP, that FIAP will use any means at its disposal for this undertaking, that any refusal to cooperate with FIAP or any refusal to submit the original files as captured by the camera, or failure to provide sufficient evidence, will be sanctioned by FIAP, that in case of sanctions following the non-compliance with FIAP regulations, the name of the entrant will be released in any form useful to inform  the breaches of the rules. It is recommended to leave the EXIF data in the submitted files intact in order to ease eventual investigations.

·         ANAPHAB may request the original files of the winners of the photography competition, and other photos included in the exhibition.

·         ANAPHAB accepts no liability for possible problems that may arise from the installation of the works.

·         Photographs will be judged using ULTRA HD 4K 3840x2160 pixel resolution 55 inch TVs in a room than can be all dark.


·         The entry fee is mandatory for all participants and 40 EUR / 50 USD for 5 categories. All participants must pay the entry fee.

         ·    The fee can be paid via PayPal. Our PayPal account is:


·         You can also pay to this bank account;


·         The works of the authors who did not pay the fee would not be taken into consideration.




FIAP Gold Medal, FIAP Silver Medal, FIAP Bronze Medal

FIAP Mentions ( 6 )

FIAP Best Author Award (Will be given to the author who has maximum award and acceptances total in five categories.)

SİLLE SANAT SARAYI Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Bronze Medal

SİLLE SANAT SARAYI Mentions (6 Pieces)

ICS Best Author Award (Will be given to the author who has maximum award and acceptances total in five categories from Benin.)

ICS Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Bronze Medal

ICS Mention (3 Pieces)

IAAP Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Bronze Medal

IAAP Mention ( 6 Pieces)

ANAPHAB Special Award (3 pieces for each category)




Closing Date

27th May 2018

Jury Meeting

2nd – 3rd June 2018

Result Notification

16th June 2018

Exhibition and Public Show:

28th July 2018

Send of the awards to authors by post and e-mail

8th September 2018








President of ANAPHAB


Mr. Martial DANSOU

Member of APAB


Mr. Reha BİLİR


Director of FIAP Exhibition Center in Turkey

AFIAP, ESFIAP,  Hon. SSS, Hon. IVAF, Hon. FBPS, Hon. FBSPA, HoN. FICS, Hon. FPI, Hon. EFMPA, Hon. NAP, Hon. FSWAN,  Hon. GİFSAD, Hon. MOF, Hon. SİVSAD, Hon: SUPC, AOK, Hon. Sureti Alem













Mrs. Pélagie Beahenou


Mrs. Şadiye Yılmaz Bilir



FIAP Onay No: 2018 – 088, ICS: 2018 – 011, IAAP: 2017 – 070 - SSS: 2018 - 007